在平时复习CCL或是练习翻译的时候, 你是不是也曾有过这样的感觉: “这个句子我们天天说, 可是我就是不记得它地道的表达方式啊!” 别担心, 专治各种PTE、CCL疑难杂症的小柠檬 今天结合了近期CCL的高频考点, 利用100%还原度的真题对话实例, 给大家介绍七大地道的CCL口译常见表达方式, 让大家洗净一身土味, 不再Chinglish上阵。 - 1 - 迁就我的时间安排见面 Fitting in with my work hours 场景例句: 感谢您今天能和我见面。我知道您很忙的,而且您还能就着我的工作时间来安排见面,真的太感谢了! Thank you for seeing me today. I know you’re very busy and I appreciate you fitting in with my work hours. - 2 - 这样就更好了 That’s a plus ! 场景例句: 我女儿幼儿园里有大约一半的孩子都打算来这儿读,这样就更好了! About half the children at my daughter’s kindergarten plan to come here. That’s a plus ! - 3 - 了解一下 Get some information about 场景例句: 我就想见见您,并且了解一下我儿子在新学校的情况。 I just wanted to meet you and get some information about how my son is doing at the new school. - 4 - 找我麻烦 I have problems with sb. Get sb. into trouble 场景例句: 如果他知道警察找我麻烦,还连累了他的车,一定会气死。 This is my brother’s car. He will be very upset if he hears that I had problems with police involving his car. 她这是想找我麻烦。警察总是信她不信我。 She is trying to get me into trouble. The police always believe her, not me. - 5 - 你想拿我怎么样? What are you going to do to me? 场景例句: 我不知道你在说些什么。我有车票,我只是找不到了。你想拿我怎么样? I don’t know what you are talking about. I did have a ticket. I just couldn’t find it. So what are you going to do to me? - 6 - 那现在该怎么办? What is going to happen now? 场景例句: 这不可能是赃车。该有的文件他都有。那现在怎么办? My cousin bought it from a car dealer called Budget Car. He paid $15,500 for it. It couldn’t have been stolen. He has all the papers. What is going to happen now? - 7 - 他胡扯 She was lying. 场景例句: 是的。去年她说我威胁要烧掉房子,所以去找了警察。她胡扯。法庭判了一个禁判令。 Yes. Last year she claimed that I threatened to burn down the house and she went to the police. She was lying. The court made an intervention order. 小柠檬常常在想口译中最重要的三点 : “快,全,准” 其实口译时的‘雅’也是非常重要的一点, ‘雅’指的就是要在翻译过程中 做到地道的英文表达, 为了不把 “吸烟有害健康” 非常直译地翻成 “smoking is bad for your health” 小柠檬希望大家牢记 这七大【正宗表达方式】并熟悉以上例子。 “说不定……就在考试时遇到了!” 小柠檬悄悄对你说。 11月30日 墨尔本最强 笔果教育CCL 【新题发布会】开始啦! 最新的考试技巧? 考官100% 还原真题? 还抽奖送原题文本? 快联系笔果教育的小柠檬君吧~ 二维码人家不让放, 哼。 |
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