“聚会”,“单身”,白痴都知道这后面是什么程序了。把自己的姐妹免费送给鬼玩?作者: 匿名 时间: 2012-2-16 15:47
拉皮条的,你他妈脑子进屎了么?傻逼一个,赶紧滚回你妈 B里去作者: emmahep1856 时间: 2012-2-16 17:01
ok, i have no idea why everyone think that way, i just want to introduce my colleague to some chinese girl, they are decent and workguy, and that is not for sex or something, just for friend, whoever think that way their mind must have some problem.作者: emmahep1856 时间: 2012-2-17 13:00
wayne 发表于 2012-2-20 19:11
男生和女生看待这个问题的角度果然不同,从我的角度来讲,我本身就对和鬼佬尤其是那种老头子在一起的亚洲女 ...
太正常了,我一个朋友住HOMESTAY,房东儿子和一个台湾女孩谈恋爱,她儿子直接给我朋友说的,他不可能和那个台湾女孩结婚的,JUST FOR FUN。所以,你认为多少鬼佬靠谱呢?作者: wayne 时间: 2012-2-21 17:50 本帖最后由 wayne 于 2012-2-21 18:50 编辑