杆子的快慢调性(action)指的是杆子在承重时的弯曲程度。 超快调的杆子只会在杆梢弯曲。快调会在前1/4处弯曲,中调性会在杆子中间处弯曲,慢调会弯曲到3/4处或更多。快调的杆子会做用更多的力到饵上,从而更利远投。慢调的杆子则相反。快慢调性通常是与对象鱼的重量和吃饵习性有关。杆子的快慢调性有:X-Fast, Fast, Moderate Fast, Moderate, 和Slow.
杆子的软硬调(power)指杆子能承受的重量. 杆子的软硬调:Ultra Light, Light, Medium Light, Medium, Medium Heavy, Heavy 和 Extra Heavy.
杆子的快慢调性(action)指的是杆子在承重时的弯曲程度。 超快调的杆子只会在杆梢弯曲。快调会在前1/4处弯曲,中调性会在杆子中间处弯曲,慢调会弯曲到3/4处或更多。快调的杆子会做用更多的力到饵上,从而更利远投。慢调的杆子则相反。快慢调性通常是与对象鱼的重量和吃饵习性有关。杆子的快慢调性有:X-Fast, Fast, Moderate Fast, Moderate, 和Slow.
杆子的软硬调(power)指杆子能承受的重量. 杆子的软硬调:Ultra Light, Light, Medium Light, Medium, Medium Heavy, Heavy 和 Extra Heavy.作者: beckenry 时间: 2012-11-7 23:07
I found softer, Moderate to moderate fast rods are the guns...作者: lostinbrisbane 时间: 2012-11-8 07:57 本帖最后由 lostinbrisbane 于 2012-11-8 07:59 编辑
Moderate fast would be good as bream sometimes be very cautious. Soft not good for SPs right?