从sunnybank 上高速,左手边路上写有T3,少车走,右手两条路排着长长的车队上高速,看不懂,请指教了。作者: oozhu 时间: 2013-3-27 20:29
Transit lanes (also known as T2 or T3 lanes) are in place to provide improved travel for buses, taxis and other vehicles carrying multiple occupants. They can also be used by emergency vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles.
Located on heavy traffic routes, transit lanes generally operate in the main direction of travel during peak periods, reverting to normal lanes at other times.
T2 lanes can be used by vehicles if there are two or more people in the vehicle, while T3 lanes can be used if there are three or more people in the vehicle.作者: liuyongtao 时间: 2013-3-27 20:30
楼上正解,走错被抓罚款100作者: 有烟冒的火 时间: 2013-3-27 20:40
学习了~~~作者: smallwhale 时间: 2013-3-27 20:53
T3=車內要有三個人以上才可以使用 作者: 台北人 时间: 2013-3-28 11:54
T3 T2 罰款驚人
千萬不要貪快作者: 一碗热翔 时间: 2013-3-28 14:07
我一直想知道在mains rd 那里打算左转开到t3 上算什么...作者: lancia 时间: 2013-3-28 14:09