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澳华人在火车站被打 打人者骂“中国人滚出澳洲小伙伴们怎么看

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发布时间: 2014-12-10 04:42


微博网友“小紫脾气很大11”发长微博称,自己的女儿7日在悉尼市区市政厅火车站被打。此事在网上引发强烈反响,中国驻澳使馆的官方微博“澳洲飞鸿”也表示要求驻悉尼总领事馆跟进。悉尼警方8日表示,抢劫财 ...


Luxurybabe 发表于 2014-12-11 09:11:01
i was about to ask the same thing..what did her boyfriend do? stand and watch the gf get hit by two girls? you gotta be kidding
资深评论员 发表于 2014-12-11 08:45:21
lucky8888 发表于 2014-12-11 00:46:08
because u didnt learn karate at least u have to try to smack them back with all ur energy and hit them v hard to teach them chinese r strong not easy to b bully. u r too weak. if is me, i will give them a swift hit n they will never wake up. show them the color that is the only thing to protect your self.
calamvale2011 发表于 2014-12-10 12:19:29
脾气 不知道会不会遗传
dimsum 发表于 2014-12-10 10:12:41
sydney阿 ,不意外那邊人渣最多

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