1. 15000 around... it.depends
4.13X-14X cents per lites.....(need to be confirmed)
5.not really, expect from friends
9.pretty much asian in business school.....don't know other school.
10.accounting before on the CSL
PS. Cairns is tourist city , very small CBD
gs878 发表于 2011-12-19 14:51
if u compare the ranking , JCU would not be your choice.
Yeah I know.
But the program I want to get into is Dental Science.
I'm not sure if I can make it into UQ.
My consultant said I would have a better chance at JCU, although I perfer UQ over JCU. >_<
Hopefully I can make it to UQ, then it'll be all good XD
gs878 发表于 2011-12-19 15:04
you could think about Griffith University .....
I thought about it, it's just Griffith's tuition of dental science is sky high.
Last time I checked it was like 60K per year? That's more than some private uni in US.
Gov. won't lend me that much loan. lol