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[Brisbane] 连续死鱼,求高人点拨

kenny218 发表于 2013-1-10 20:12:18
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crysisbillylee 发表于 2013-1-10 20:18:28
本帖最后由 crysisbillylee 于 2013-1-10 20:18 编辑


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altmanxi 发表于 2013-1-10 20:50:34
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Kirby大神 发表于 2013-1-11 14:30:30
放空调房里 加上氧气泵 少吃点....
还有就是把水再重新换一下 我记得以前养鱼的时候 这边卖鱼的地方有一瓶很小的东西 液体的
换好干净的水就滴一滴的那个 忘记叫啥了 不过到卖鱼的店问问 应该知道
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petmonkey 发表于 2013-1-11 15:34:56
i suggest you take some of your water to city farmer for a free check up. I think there is something wrong with your water mate!
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petmonkey 发表于 2013-1-11 15:38:39
本帖最后由 petmonkey 于 2013-1-11 15:38 编辑
Kirby大神 发表于 2013-1-11 14:30
放空调房里 加上氧气泵 少吃点....
还有就是把水再重新换一下 我记得以前养鱼的时候 这边卖鱼的地方有一瓶 ...

The thing you were talking about is called  dechlorinator, sometimes referred to as a chlorine neutralizer or a chlorine remover, which is a chemical additive that renders the chlorine and chloramine in your aquarium.
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petmonkey 发表于 2013-1-11 15:43:24
本帖最后由 petmonkey 于 2013-1-11 15:44 编辑

Also, if your aquarium is new, you are not suppose to have fish in them. Because your filter has no bacterial colonies to break down ammonium inside the water. You need to have the tank set up for at least two weeks before you add any fish in it. In addition, it will be better if you only add little amount of fish in the tank each time. More importantly, the size of your tank also limits the amount of fish you can have in it. Apparently, the bigger the tank, the more fish you can have. Just remember, like us human beings, fish does like to have some of their own space as well. So do not stress them out by having too much fish in your tank. Hope it will help a little! Good luck with your fish-keeping mate!
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 楼主| kenny218 发表于 2013-1-11 22:34:50
petmonkey 发表于 2013-1-11 15:34
i suggest you take some of your water to city farmer for a free check up. I think there is something ...

good idea
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 楼主| kenny218 发表于 2013-1-11 22:36:37
petmonkey 发表于 2013-1-11 15:43
Also, if your aquarium is new, you are not suppose to have fish in them. Because your filter has no  ...

Thanks mate
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lostinbrisbane 发表于 2013-1-14 12:48:41
本帖最后由 lostinbrisbane 于 2013-1-14 12:55 编辑

新缸,要放一段时间,俗称开缸,就是让硝化菌在过滤或底石中生长。 水要勤换,2个星期1/5谁要换的。要有水生植物,能帮助去除与呼出的废物。新买来的鱼要隔离处理,最好消一下毒在放入缸中。有条件的话,加一个紫外灯会杀死缸中的病菌,过滤中加入活性炭,吸氨石。在养个清道夫什么的可也吃掉一些绿藻。有病就要隔离。一般不用药,可也加点盐在缸中消毒。
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