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[英语类] 雅思口语人物题 A singermusicianmusic band 歌手

oz指南针团队 发表于 2013-12-2 10:50:21
294 1

The person I’d like to talk about is Leehom, spelled as L-E-E-H-O-M, who is a Chinese well-known singer, songwriter and actor. As a 37 yearsold man, Leehom has achieved tremendous fulfillment in his career of music.Since he grew up in America and was formally trained at the Berklee College of Music, his musical style is known for fusing Chinese elements like BeijingOpera with hip-hop and R&B. Apparently, he is a Mr. Right to girls and alegendary idol to boys in China.

Apart from Leehom’s outstanding talent in music producing, he is also adored for the handsome appearance and masculine body.

Leehom is currently based in Taiwan. He has been active since 1995 and contributed in 25 albums. With more and more fame he gained, he also has earned lots of money. Not like other celebrities who squander money doing things meaningless. Leehom loves doing charity and isparticularly keen on helping young people realizing their dreams. So he has set up a music school teaching students from poor families musical instruments andcomposition.

Leehom is a responsible and respectable person, and I’ll root for him forever.

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