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[英语类] 雅思口语高频题 Birthday 超高分答案

oz指南针团队 发表于 2014-4-10 15:58:23
331 1



Now that I live far from my family, I celebrate birthdays alone. It may sound a little pathetic, which is true, but it is actually a lot of fun, too. I usually take this day off and do whatever I have been hoping to do,eat whatever I have been holding back and I call my mom to tell her how lucky I feel that I have her as my mom. Spending a day like this makes me feel real and alive.

Birthday is important to me since I am thankful for what I have in life and what I have accomplished. If we are to appreciate the fruits of life, we must first appreciate the tree that bears the fruit: birth itself. Birth is the beginning of everything, so birthday is a momentous occasion.

Traditionally, Chinese people don't attach much attention to their birthdays until they reach a certain age, like 60, 80 or 100. But now more young people also celebrate their birthdays every year by inviting relatives and close friends to banquets that feature various activities, such as blowing out candles to make a wish, smear the cream on each other’s face andso on.


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