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[上班族] 面试最难的问题和应对策略

yo1yo2 发表于 2012-9-1 21:59:11
187 0
“Tell me about yourself.”
hitting these key points with one or two sentences for each:
A brief overview of your career path
2-3 of your areas of expertise (job specific skills)
Your decision making/problem solving style (2-3 transferable skills)
Your reputation/what others rely on you for
Your passion/career mission
Your career goals

“What did you dislike most about your last or current boss?”
If you start picking apart a former or current boss, you are going into risky territory. You never know how it will be received; usually not well as the implication is if you bad mouth your current boss, you will do the same thing to the new one.”

“What has been your biggest success?”
bring up the most relevant achievement

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