本帖最后由 曼拓教育 于 2016-12-7 10:26 编辑
【Rocky老师原创】PTE模拟考试ScoredTest A原创参考答案
女神听说不少考生都会自己购买PTE官网的模拟题,考前做一做,心里有个底。来自曼拓的Rocky老师自制了PTE Scored Test A的参考答案,方便大家模考完之后可以对照一下~还没有模考过的同学也可以收藏起来,之后模考后方便找出错误。 SST 1信息点:
internationaldecision made by states, some states are more equal than others
G17 richindustrial countries
far awayfrom the most equal is USA world war 2, overwhelming internationalpower
designthe world and the interest of powerful sections within
inpowerful states, institution, MF world bank, world trade organization
institutions,global dominant, controlled by rich countries primarily by USA
SST 2信息点:
early stage of change towards human freedomin business
important for democracy as well as forgovernment
reason: possible for 1st time to haveeconomic benefit large and human benefit small organization
reason: IT reduces the cost ofcommunication that huge number of people will have enough information to makesensible decisions for themselves instead of simply following orders from whomthat are supposed to know more in the management hierarchy
多选1: C 信息点:mimic thedesiccating of bodies F 信息点:imitate theprocess of the drying out
多选2: A信息点:the name has tobe catchy、has character B信息点:professionaltaking the example of medical device D信息点:need to put Y andA together into the name
填空2: physicists magnetism hierarchy level operation exception
summary1: A在伦敦汽车数目增加之前,drivers开车的方式很随意,而大家在数目增加后并没有意识到这个变化,导致很严重的交通问题 (关键词:anarchist)
summary2: B阿司匹林的结构简单、功效强大,虽然已有百年历史,但仍然有许多researcher在发表相关的paper (关键词:aspirin、versatlity)
单选1: B大猩猩是peaceful的食草动物,凶暴程度甚至不及家猫
单选2: D在art的领域,不存在plagiarism这一说法,大家互相borrow、以echo为灵感来源,称之为quotation
Missingword 1: Csomeone that they have not known can have access to (that information),不选A的原因是之前提到的例子并不是confidential file
Missingword 2: Dtheydo not deserve (to continue),charter school并不成功,仍然需要support、helped、technicalassistance,在一切搞定之前不能再继续下去了
Highlightincorrect words 1: referred circumstances rehabilitationintention effect profited
Highlightincorrect words 1: sample beam actions doubtless roll
WFD : XXX(老师用的是免费版,这句开头没录进去、、、)is hoping it happen to a fast growing market. (hope it happen不要加s或ed)
The bad weather condition led to severalcancellations.(cancellation有两个l)
The main problem is the increase inplagiarism exacerbated by the Internet.(exacerbated略有难度,Internet注意首字母大写)
如果你对PTE考试还有什么不清楚的地方,可以联系客服进行咨询哦~~~ 每月课表抢先看~文末附送布里斯班地区近期课表,更多资讯,咱们微信聊!
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