车上那对b人有40多岁,下来问我咋样,别动休息一下,我说“你他妈没看见老子?”男的回答“no i didint。。”我试着动了动,没什么事,也没有哪疼(真奇迹),
这时候路过的一位好心的女士看到这一幕,迅速叫来ambulance,我站起来走到路边,坐下休息,过了会儿那男的说“你要紧吗?sorry we really have to go home。。”我以为那打电话叫ambulance的女士是跟她们一起的,就说“im fine,就是头有点晕”,他说了句“thank u!”就跟他老婆上车走了。
kinder 发表于 2012-4-15 18:50
Not necessarily...
Weeks ago, a friend got hit by a car while the pd cross light was flashing at an interseciton, she was knocked unconscious but still was required by the police to pay for the car damage. The car dirver was totally innocent. So it largely denpends on who violated the rules. Anyway, hope lz is well and take extra caution when crossing the streets in the future.