本帖最后由 曼拓教育 于 2016-12-5 14:06 编辑
很多同学很恐惧做retell lecture 这个题型, 有时候听完录音竟然脑袋空白,开不了口,或者卡在某一个点不能继续说下去。
原因NO.1——note taking skill不够好,同学们可以参考上期文字关于listening 做笔记的技巧。 原因NO.2——因为材料结构多变,同学们不适应不同的讲话风格。本期文字旨在分析一下听力材料中常见的逻辑结构,帮助大家做好prediction。
常见的结构如下: 列举式:此类题目最浅显,一般有明显的topic sentence,例如today I am going to talk about three things about how the governmentis functioning。听到这样的句子,在草稿中写出1,2,3 ,听取每个句子主句就OK了。 对比式:此类话题也有明显的信号词,如开头提到 X years ago, 之后一般会提到另一个更近的时间或者now。常见的对比还有originally/later, in the long term/ in the short term 等。 Argue式:特点是提出一个观点、理论或现象,然后会有一个实验/调查来验。实验一般包括实验目的,经过,对象和结果。 Interview:虽然Retell lecture是这个名字,但retell 的不一定是lecture。不少同学听到两个人讲话的时候就不知道该follow哪一个。一般来说,我们应该根据提问人的提问来预测录音的结构,只回答interviewee 的话就足够了。例如采访人会在开头提出多个问题: How do you think of worker loyalty, do you think worker loyalty is dead?And how important it is to your company? 听到这个以后,我们就可以知道受访者接下来肯定会回答这几个问题的。 Dina老师碎碎念: 我们应该在录音的前三个句子就形成prediction,确立好主题词已经推理出大概的结构,并且想好第一句话。 Thespeaker mentioned X things about it/ something about it 之后再讲主要的点。 接着,由于speaker的描述方式有时候是objective的(如 A is ….), 有时候是subjective 的(Ithink A is ….)。 为了避免转述时纠结,我们采用The speaker said/ mentioned … 等表达进行转述。
但是同学们经常能记下很多东西,在复述的时候可能在某一个点上讲得太多,而没能把内容讲完。因此建议大家先把main point 都列举出来,再用补充说明的方法把detail补充完。
常用的结构是: This lecture is about … The speaker mentioned X things about it/ something about it。 Firstly…. + main point 1 Second…/ another point to consider is that … + main point 2 To be more specific…. + details of main points
OK - to help you with your research. I justwanted to give you some tips today on using Focus Groups. These are groups ofpeople that you get together to find out about their opinions and attitudes,for example, to review a piece of work or just basically provide somecollective input to help you with whatever you're researching.
Firstof all, how large should a focus group be? Well, I would say that an idealnumber of participants is around six or seven. If it's any bigger, what quiteoften happens is they break into side-conversations and the focus is lost. Ifit's any smaller, you may not get the range of views that you need to get areally good discussion.
Secondly,it's important that you have a moderator for the group, who's able tofacilitate and guide the discussions. The moderator must ensure that everyoneparticipates and stop anyone dominating. And also, the moderator needs to makesure that the discussions don't go off in the wrong direction.
Andthirdly, in order to help the group focus on what's required, some basicmaterials should be used particularly to kick-start the discussions. This maybe in the form of pictures, photos, diagrams, graphs, etc. and will help thegroup to understand the context of what needs to be discussed.
开 始 做 题 啦 ! ! ! !
笔记可以是: Focus group: ppl together, find out opinion
1. How large? 6-7 ideal Larger: lost focus Smaller: not enough view2. Moderator, guide, facilitate discussion make sure participation don’t offdirection
3. Material needed, e.g. photo diagram …
回答可以是: This lecture is about using focus group forresearch purpose. A focus group is people getting together toshare opinion and attitude. Firstly, a group size of 6-7 people is ideal. Secondly, a moderator is needed to facilitatethe discussion. Also, some basic material is needed.
NB: 讲到此处,已经把main point都提及到了,应该还会有时间剩下,可挑选一些重要的detail来补充说明: To be morespecific, if there are not enough people, there will not be enough view, and amoderator can monitor the participation.
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