但是我错了,虽然interview的时候我表现得很好,但是大家的表现都非常好(废话)。。。然后manager就让我回家等电话了,第二天就收到email说什么your skills are very impressive... blah blah... 然后给我来一句we will be continuing our search to identify a candidate who is more suitable... 没关系,第一次失败么~都让是经验,毕竟每个branch只招一个人。
嘿,谢谢作者: fcuking 时间: 2011-11-17 22:21
keep trying, you can do it...作者: JohnJohn 时间: 2011-11-17 22:30
看你找什么工作了,我到是没有整过group的。当年我第一个正式工作也是历经艰辛长途跋涉。宗旨就是找找找,找到"找到"为止。作者: Rachelelio 时间: 2011-11-18 00:32
加油!!作者: hillarynn 时间: 2011-11-18 23:27 回复 23#fcuking
Thank you~ I am trying very hard. It's just something that comes up to my mind and I would like to share with someone...作者: hillarynn 时间: 2011-11-18 23:30 回复 24#JohnJohn