Peony 牡丹 Jasmine 茉莉 Lotus 荷花 Narcissus 水仙 Camellia 山茶花 Daisy 雏菊 Lilac 丁香花 Orchid 兰花 Tulip 郁金香 Carnation 康乃馨 Lily 百合 Rose 玫瑰 Sunflower向日葵
花的寓意 在说花代表什么意思的时候,表达如下 standfor represent symbolize isconnected with isrelated with 学会替换词汇,是雅思口语成功的第一步
Part1问的问题 1. 中国什么花比较流行 2. 中国人送花吗 3. 什么情况下,送什么花
Peony stands forprosperity, wealth and richness 富贵 Jasmine youth, purity, pure mind Lotus integrity正直,self-disciplined 自律 Narcissus the coming of spring the reborn of life Daisy fate,destiny and are a symbol of strength andpower of love. Tulip They are not too elegant,nor too romantic,too big, too small or too bright;they are always just right.Tulips generally represent perfect love. 郁金香是Vicky每次去荷兰的唯一原因,这些花,不那么艳丽,不那么浪漫,不是那么震撼,总是恰到好处。所以,它能够象征最完美的爱情。 Camellia Womenwho like Camellias are generallysolitary, featuring a strong and independentcharacter and being able to fendfor themselves. 这是Vicky最喜欢的花,山茶花。如果大家喜欢Chanel,就应该知道Chanel女士最喜欢的花也是山茶花,它代表女性的独立,内心强大,能够保护自己,有点今天说的“女汉子”的感觉。但山茶花又淡雅,随不失孤芳自赏,却极沁人心脾,女同学们,好素材哦!
中国人喜欢什么花 As weknow, China is really big. And I think people in different regions are intodifferent flowers. Generally, northern people love the peony, roses andwintersweet腊梅. While peoplein the south are interested in the lotus, jasmine and camellia.
送什么花,什么场合 Yes.Flowers are very common gifts in China. When we pay a visit at the patient, wegive lily standing for recovery and regaining health; When we congratulateone’s promotion, we give mini sunflowers 向日葵 standing for going upwards. Of course, lovers give roses to eachother, and we give carnations to mom to express our emotion to them.